Earth Sciences Division (ESD) Department of Energy (DOE) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)

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122 posts categorized "Geophysics Department"


Making Nuclear Facilities More Resilient

Berkeley Lab helped organize the recent Pacific Rim Forum on the Earthquake Resilience of Nuclear Facilities—the overarching objective of which was to share lessons for enhancing the earthquake resilience of nuclear facilities.

Tree of Life Gets New Members

ESD’s Jill Banfield led a team that recently discovered many new groups or phyla of bacteria. The more than 35 new phyla equal in number all the plant and animal phyla combined. ESD’s Kenneth Williams was also involved in the research.


Majer Wins Geothermal Energy Award

ESD’s Ernie Majer recently won a Geothermal Energy Association (GEA) award for excellence in induced seismicity and enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) research.


Enhancing Seismic Safety of Nuclear Facilities

Berkeley Lab, U.C. Davis, and the U.N. Reno will collaborate to develop advanced computational tools for modeling and simulating the earthquake response of nuclear facilities, including the effects of soil-structure-interaction.


Characterizing Arctic Ecosystem Functional Zones

A multidisciplinary team of researchers led by ESD’s Haruko Wainwright developed an ecosystem functional zonation approach to characterize the spatial variability of properties that influence carbon cycling in the Arctic – in high resolution and over landscape scales.


High Performance Computing Meets Mesoscale Science

The convergence of world-class microscopic characterization and computational resources has made it possible to address subsurface geological carbon sequestration using a new generation of pore-scale flow and reactive transport models.


Berkeley Lab FORGEs Ahead on Geothermal

Mack Kennedy will be the lead point of contact for the Berkeley Lab aspect of the multiphase FORGE effort, which could unlock access to a domestic, geographically diverse, and carbon-free source of clean energy.


Williams featured in DOE JGI's collaborating science videos on Genomes-to-Watershed SFA

ESD’s Ken Williams, recently featured in DOE JGI's collaborating science videos, describes the Genomes-to-Watershed Scientific Focus Area research activities at the Rifle, Colorado.


TOUGH Symposium 2015—9/28-9/30

ESD is once again pleased to host the TOUGH Symposium—this year specifically “TOUGH Symposium 2015”—taking place this fall, September 28-30, at Berkeley Lab


New Level of Earthquake Understanding

Berkeley Lab is reporting the successful study of stress fields along the San Andreas fault at the microscopic scale, the scale at which earthquake-triggering stresses originate.